Christchurch Alternative Education, 2024

About AE in Christchurch 2024

Cashmere High School (CHS) is contracted by the Ministry of Education to provide Alternative Education (AE) for 120 students.

We assist schools with their disengaged students according to the Alternative Education eligibility criteria. (See later)

CHS has contracted five Whanau AE Providers. The former are community groups with a history of engaging young people in learning and cater for Year 9 to 11 students.  See below for the list of providers and the Christchurch Secondary Schools (who have signed up to the CHS/schools/Ministry of Education MoU)

Students placed in AE must be on the roll of one of the Eligible Christchurch schools (Eligibile Schools (A37) and must be verified as eligible for AE by the AE Manager through an online application process. See the attached T1 Application form.

Those students currently not on a school roll (for example those who are with the MoE Attendance Service as a NEN case) must be enrolled in a school.  The school then provides the student with a programme and where necessary at a latter date applies to the AE Manager for placement into AE.

Students who have been in AE programmes in other parts of NZ must be enrolled in a Christchurch school and given a programme in that school.  Where necessary at a latter date the school can apply to the AE Manager for a placement into AE. 

Previous engagement in AE in another part of NZ does not mean automatic eligibility for AE here in Christchurch however in some cases a student may be considered for direct enrolment into an AE provider.

The AE Manager places the student into the most appropriate programme.  That is, one of the five.

A placement in Alternative Education is temporary and means the student learning occurs in an environment other than the school the student is enrolled at. The small group situation involves goal setting, literacy, numeracy, special interest areas, awards, and credits on the National Qualifications Framework. In student speak 'we get credits towards NCEA.'

The AE programme is delivered each week of the school term. 

Successful AE outcomes include placement into a mainstream school programme; placement in a youth guarantee tertiary course; dual enrolment in a secondary school and an associated trades academy; and employment.

Student Eligibility

To be eligible for Alternative Education, students must be deemed eligible by the AE Manager.  (The MoE has oversight of these decisions)

Applications  must be submitted to the AE Manager by the School AE Contact Person via the online application form.

Once a student has been deemed eligible, two meetings are convened prior to the setting of a start date with an AE Provider. The first is a meeting, known as the conference meeting, is held  with the enrolled school AE contact, the student, the family/whanau and any supporting agencies that are working with the family or student. The second meeting, known as the induction meeting, is held at the provider’s site.

Please note that promises made to students regarding placement in AE and in a particular AE programme by anyone other than the AE Manager serve to mislead and/or give the student inappropriate hope.

The student is

  1. either not attending school (out of registered school) and thus is showing in ENROL as a NENs case. The K3 Attendance Service works with the case to get the student enrolled in a school.
  2. or has been excluded from school
  3. or has dropped out of Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu after enrolment as an at risk student
  4. or is, while on the roll of a school, not attending that school
  5. or has been suspended and is at risk of further suspension
  6. or is struggling with the school setting and needs time to address issues related to learning.

Not Eligible for AE

  • Year 9 in Term 1 or 2 (although there may be circumstances where a discussion with the enrolled school, whanau, Ministry of Education, and student deem it important to consider a transfer into AE. Year 9 students will be considered in Terms 3 and 4.
  • High & Complex Needs students
  • Intensive Wrap Around Service students

The providers of Whanau Alternative Education programmes (WAEP) are:

  1. Kimihia Adventure Programme (KAP) governed by the Trust with the same name.
  2. Te Kaupapa Whakaora (TKW) governed by Te Ora Hou
  3. Te Kupenga o Aranui (TKA) governed by the Trust with the same name
  4. Tumanako governed by Youth South West Christchurch Trust
  5. Pumanawa (TII) governed by Talent International 

Vocational Programmes that work closely with Alternative Education in Christchurch are:

  1. Southern Institute of Technology (SIT)
  2. Vision College (part of Apolistic TC)
  3. National Trades Academy (NTA)
  4. NZ Institute of Sport (NZIS)
  5. NZ Management Academy (NZMA)
  6. NZ School of Tourism
  7. Yoobee College of Creative Innovation
  8. Hagley Intensive Literacy and Numeracy
  9. Enterprise 
  10. ARA

Others to be added to this list as and when is appropriate

Achievements in recent years

Improved attendance, literacy, numeracy, and wellbeing.  Certificates and credits on the National Qualifications Framework: Examples being PE, Art, Health, Nutrition, Cooking, Life Skills such as 'working in a group.'  In student speak 'we get credits towards NCEA.'


 The Christchurch Secondary Schools Alternative Education is managed by Karen Paul.

See the attachments below for a number of useful documents including Getting started in AE (AA1), The Application form (T1) and the Eligibile Schools (A37)